Monday, December 8, 2014

The End :)

Thanks for everything! It was a great semester. I have compiled all of the grades for the blogs. Anymore blog posts or comments will NOT be counted in your grade. Feel free to continue to write with your blog! You have this account forever, if you want. You can find your score in the comments section of your last post. Thanks! Julie, Genki and Wasabi

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Post # 9 - What is Next?

With the last week of classes wrapping up and final exams coming near, please write about what you plan to do after the program is finished. What are you going to do for the holidays and winter? Where are you going to go? What do you want to do? What does the future hold for you? What do you want from the future? Thank you all for everything! It has been a great 3 months! Best of luck to you all! Julie, Genki and Wasabi

Monday, November 24, 2014

Post # 8 - Online Games that are Good?

In Unit 6 we looked at video games and board games, and how they can be good or bad for people to play. I want you to find a free online game, play it and then write a review about the game. Tell the reader your opinion about the game (if it is a good game or not), a brief description of the game and a few reasons why it is good or not. Here are some links to free online games.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Post # 7 - Is Chivalry Dead?

I have attached a link to an article from the Calgary Metro about "Manners" on Calgary C-trains. Please read the article and write a response to what it says about WHY people nowadays have a decline in manners and polite behavior (chivalry). Click here!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Post # 6 - C-train Etiquette

Have you ever taken to c-train or any other public transportation in Calgary? What kind of etiquette do c-train riders need to follow? Think of some written and unwritten rules that people need to follow when taking the c-train in Calgary. How are these rules enforced? Do you think we need more rules, or fewer rules? Why?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Post # 5 - Long Weekend Plans

Hello Everyone! We have a 4 day long weekend approaching quickly. This week I would like you to write a paragraph (or more) describing what you are going to do on those 4 days? Be specific and include any information and details that you think are important for the reader. Don't forget to comment on at least 2 other blogs every week :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Post # 4 - Counterfeit Products

The word "counterfeit" applies to any product that is fake. For example, you can buy counterfeit Levi jeans, counterfeit music, counterfeit watches or bags, and counterfeit computer software. Write a paragraph or more comparing a counterfeit product with the original product. Talk about price, quality, and where you can buy it. Is it a good idea to buy this product, or not?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Post # 3 - Money

We are just starting to look at Unit 3 - Making Money. In this post I want you to talk about the type of money or currency that is used in your country. Show some pictures of different bills and coins that are used in your country to buy things. Do people in your country usually buy things with cash, debit, or credit cards? Compare the prices of specific items such as a cup of coffee, gas, food in Canada and your country.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post # 2 - City Life vs. Country Life

In Unit 2 we are discussing the benefits of living in the country or in the city. As well as the downfalls of city or country life. Please write a paragraph giving your opinion about which you think is better, country life or city life? Write a perfect paragraph to give your opinion and provide details.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Post # 1 - An Ideal Job

Do you know anyone who has his or her dream/ideal job? Write a paragraph about this person and their dream job. Try to answer these questions: - Who is he or she? - What does he or she do? - How did he or she get the job? - What is most important to him or her about the job? Publish your paragraph and then comment on 2 other blogs!

Introduction Post

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our RW 2A blog project. We are going to be using blogs to practice our writing fluency, using computers in English, using the internet in english, following instructions, and having fun! For your first post, please write a self-introduction - all about you! Tell your readers where you are from, about your studies, your family, your life in Calgary and at the University of Calgary, your hobbies, and anything else that you would like to share. Publish your blog and then comment on 2 other blogs!